Is it good to thin the skin with exfoliation?
Yes, if done correctly for each skin type using appropriate products to rebuild the skin’s protein matrix, exfoliation can rejuvenate our skin and actually help increase its thickness. Exfoliation also smooths the skin, reduces the appearance of fine lines, and strengthens collagen production.

The skin is a self-renewing structure, and when damage occurs, it sends out more growth factors to support regeneration. Exfoliants aid the natural process of desquamation or exfoliation—sloughing off dead skin cells of the stratum corneum (top layer of the skin). As we age—typically beginning in our twenties—this process slows down. When new cells move to the surface but do not exfoliate the dead skin cells, the result is retention hyperkeratosis. This means the pores are retaining the stratum corneum cells, resulting in clogged pores and ingrown hairs. Skin cells will mimic each other, so with an abundance of dead skin cells on the top surface of the skin, the newer skin cells just beneath the corneum layer will imitate the dry flat dead cells on the surface and increase the aging process.
Exfoliants aid the natural process by removing the layer of dead skin to reveal fresh cells that haven’t started the bad habit of copying others.

Chemical & Manual Exfoliants
Of course you can have a professional “glycolic peel” done at a spa, and they will typically utilize alpha hydroxy acid and/or enzymes. This is considered a chemical exfoliant. For safe and gentle exfoliation at home, we offer our gentle and moisturizing Golden Enzymes, which includes 7% glycolic acid, along with bromelain enzymes, coenzyme Q10, cosmetic-grade ozone and pineapple, along with other high-performing ingredients and natural botanicals.
Manual exfoliants work on the outer layer of the epidermis and include those scrubs and polishes we love to use for that baby soft and smooth feel. It’s important to make sure the actual exfoliant ingredients, such as apricot seeds, are polished so they gently exfoliate without scratching. Our Cell Salt Glow and Diamond Cell Salt Polish are both excellent manual exfoliants.

Exfoliants for each skin type
Normal Skin looks soft, moist, plump and may experience some dryness, oiliness or outbreaks with hormonal or environmental changes. An occasional (weekly to monthly) manual or chemical peel can help address any of these changes and keep the skin at its best.
Oily skin requires a bit more care. The natural tendency might be to exfoliate more frequently and avoid moisturizers, which can actually cause dehydration and more oil production. For oily skin exfoliation we recommend a manual exfoliant like Diamond Cell Salt Polish one to four times a month and a gentle glycolic or enzyme peel like Golden Enzymes once a month.
Dry Skin types have under-active sebaceous glands. It’s important to use a gentle, moisturizing exfoliant like our Golden Enzymes. We recommend one to four times per month.

Sensitive skin types like rosacea also require gentle treatment. Our Cell Salt Glow is perfect for this skin type. Sensitive skin types may also use Golden Enzymes, but we recommend washing it off after an hour rather than leaving it on all night (as other skin types can do). We also suggest following with our pure serums and moisturizers.
Aging Skin can have a dry appearance, accompanied by fine lines and wrinkles, and will certainly benefit from regular, gentle exfoliation. This skin type can use Diamond Cell Salt Polish and Golden Enzymes more than once a week if desired. Wrinkled skin with a thick epidermis benefits from extra exfoliation and can use these products on the same day.
We recommend that all skin types follow any manual exfoliation with a peptide serum, hydrating gel and moisturizer.
You can complete our FREE Customized Skincare analysis for a detailed regimen designed just for you!
Laser Peels
Laser peels have their benefits as well. Medical spas around the world offer some great systems and procedures, including Yag 1064, Frac 3 and Fotona Lasers.
If you’re in the Las Vegas area, we highly recommend Renew Medical Spa.

Did you know…
Glycolic acid also acts as a humectant, so it draws moisture to the skin. That is part of the reason your skin feels so hydrated when you use our Golden Enzymes. Our rich infusion of sweet almond oil and panthenol pro B vitamin gives your skin that extra glow you are looking for while gently exfoliating away dead skin cells. Your skin will be so supple and hydrated you won’t even realize you have just been deeply exfoliated!
The sweet pineapple smell of our Golden Enzymes will leave you feeling like you are in the tropics!
For a professional treatment, combine Golden Enzymes with Diamond Cell Salt Polish. First do a gentle polish with Diamond Cell Salt Polish, rinse well, then apply Golden Enzymes. This will create a tingling effect and could cause slight peeling. Over the next few days, use extra serums and gels. Follow with another gentle scrub using the Diamond Cell Salt Polish approximately three days later to help lift any dead skin cells.
*Use caution with this regimen.
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